A downloadable project

Plaguecats are unique creatures, with unique morphologies. Their forms can range in size from 2 feet tall at the shoulder, to 6 feet tall at the shoulder, standing on all fours. They are typically cat-shaped, sometimes resembling panthers or lions but always a markedly feline countenance. Their legs are developed to function both quadrupedally and bipedally, so that they might easily navigate the rough terrain of their home, and build and utilize the tools they create.

They are indigenous to the Great Swamp, an infamously hostile place to most creatures. As such, they have developed two very unique attributes as a species. The first, is that beyond what has already been described, their morphology is very diverse. Some might have razor sharp teeth or broad grinding plates, some might develop poison stingers on their tail like a scorpion, and some may grow organs like the stomach of a lavachurner eel.

The second is their symbiotic relationship to festerfleas. Festerfleas are bioluminescent creatures that make their home in the fur and hide of plaguecats, forming patterns to the plaguecat’s will. They come in any shade imaginable (and many that aren’t), though similar colors tend to collate within similar areas of the Great Swamp. It is thought that the festerfleas, through some unknown magical mechanism, are what keep plaguecats alive through their odd and oftentimes frightening biology. Certainly, without them, plaguecats have a tendency to emaciate and die. Festerfleas themselves feed and copulate by the unique water of the Great Swamp, and as such for a plague cat to live they must regularly bathe.

When a plaguecat is born, they are washed in the water of the Great Swamp, and thus gain their fleas. Many refer to this as a birthing ritual, though often they refer to the event bringing the tribe together to perform a small ceremony, as the act itself is more akin to a simple medical procedure for their species.

— Introduction from “Perils of the Great Swamp Volume II: Plaguecats” by Ozz Quill

A small character generator for my boyfriend's open custom species, plaguecats. You should be able to get a pretty good understanding of them just by reading the readme and messing around for a bit. We'll continue adding content but at the moment these are feature-complete.

Hitting enter without typing anything in generates a new cat. NSFW version includes a set of genitals (or multiple, plaguecats are weird).

Feel free to share any interesting cats however you see fit.

Updated 8 days ago
TagsGenerator, writing


PlagueCatGen1.3.zip 23 MB
PlagueCatGen1.3NSFW.zip 23 MB

Install instructions

unzip package and run main.exe

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